How to upload files to your Bunny Storage zone

Bunny Storage is designed to offer multiple ways of managing your files.

The following methods are currently supported:

Uploading via the web interface

To upload your files via the dashboard web interface, first navigate to the Storage Zone you would like to upload to. Then, simply drag and drop the files into the storage zone and they will automatically begin uploading.

Alternatively, you can click on the Upload button and manually select the files you would like to upload.


Uploading via API

It is possible to upload files to your Bunny Storage through the HTTP Bunny Storage API. This option is intended for developers that are uploading files programmatically. To learn how to upload through the API, please see our API documentation.

Uploading via FTP or SFTP

To upload via FTP, we recommend using a popular FTP client called FileZilla, which is 100% free to download and use.

First, you will need to find the credentials to authenticate to our FTP service. To do that, open the Storage Zone details page. There, click on the FTP & API Access. You will then be presented with the FTP information that you can use to connect to your zone. To get the password for your zone, click on the eye icon on the right side of the password field, or click on the copy icon to copy it to your clipboard.


Next, open FileZilla or the FTP client of choice. There, copy the FTP username and password from your dashboard and click connect.


The FTP client should now connect to Bunny Storage, and you should be able to upload, and manage your files.

  Passive Connection Mode

If using custom settings or clients other than FileZilla, make sure you are using the Passive connection mode. If this is not configured correctly, you will not be able to connect to your Storage Zone.

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