Understanding DNS Zone Import and Export

Bunny DNS allows you to import and export universal DNS BIND zone files. This allows you to migrate or backup DNS configuration between different DNS services. This article contains information to help you understand the import and export process within Bunny DNS.


DNS Zone Import

During import, DNS records from a BIND file are imported into your Bunny DNS zone. 

Supported Record Types
The list below contains the types of DNS records that are supported during an import. Any record type not on the list will be skipped and will not be imported. This includes Bunny DNS records that cannot be imported automatically.

  • A
  • AAAA
  • MX
  • TXT
  • SRV
  • CAA
  • PTR


DNS Zone Export

During the export, DNS records from your Bunny DNS zone file are exported into a BIND-compatible DNS zone file.

Supported Record Types
The list below contains the types of DNS records that will be exported. Other record types will be skipped and will not be added to the BIND file. This includes any bunny.net specific records such as Pull Zone, RDR, or script records.

  • A
  • AAAA
  • MX
  • TXT
  • SRV
  • CAA
  • PTR

Table of Contents

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