Troubleshooting Bunny Stream 403 Errors

This guide helps you troubleshoot 403 errors on Bunny Stream. A 403 error on Bunny Stream will usually indicate an issue with the security configuration of the embedded player.

Blocked / Allowed Domain Issue

Bunny Stream provides the embedded player to configure a list of blocked and allowed domains. If the Allowed Domains list is configured, only websites from that list can embed the videos. If you have this feature enabled, please double-check that there are no typos in the listed domains, and that the domain you are trying to embed the videos on is included in the list.

If you are have Blocked domains configured, please ensure that the domain is not listed in the blocked domains list.

Embed Token Authentication Issue

Bunny Stream provides a system for securely signing URLs. This prevents access to the videos without a secret token. When videos are accessed with a token that expired, or was not properly generated, the player will return a 403 issue.

If you have the Embed View Token Authentication enabled, please consider checking the Stream Token Authentication generation guide.

Enable Direct Play Issue

Bunny Stream provides a setting called Enable Direct Play. This feature determines if the videos are able to be accessed with the direct video link and are viewable directly in the browser. If this feature is disabled, direct link sharing will not be allowed, and the videos will only be playable when embedded into a website.

If you are receiving 403 errors while trying to view direct links to the videos, please ensure that this feature is enabled.

Pull Zone Settings Issues

Under the hood, Bunny Stream uses a combination of Bunny CDN and Bunny Storage to store and deliver videos. This allows for very powerful use-cases to be enabled and gives you the option yo fully configure the security, and delivery options for your Bunny Stream library. However, if you are toggling the specific security settings in the advanced Pull Zone settings, this might cause issues with the built-in video player, and we only recommend changing the advanced features in the case where you intend to use your own player.

If you have advanced Pull Zone custom configuration enabled, we recommend looking at the Bunny CDN knowledge base for further information.


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