How does the credit and billing system work operates on a Pay As You Go payment model. This means that you are not forced into any monthly payment. This article explains in more detail how the system works.

Pay As You Go Billing Model

Pay As You Go billing model means that you will never be charged for anything you haven't actually used. Even if you only transfer a single kilobyte per month, this is how much you will be charged.

Traffic Billing will charge your account for each outbound byte transferred out of our network. All incoming traffic from your server to our network is free of charge. This means if you have a 1GB video that gets viewed fully 100 times, your account will be charged for 100GB transferred. If the video is only partially downloaded, you will only be charged for the downloaded part.

Storage Billing

Storage billing happens every hour. Your account is charged a fee based on the usage in the past hour. This means any uploaded and deleted data will only be charged for the one hour, not the whole month.

$1 Minimum Monthly Recharge

Your credits are safe and will never expire. However, we do require $1 minimum usage each month as long as you have active zones on your account. If your monthly usage is below $1, we will round your usage up to $1 for that month. This is over the entire account, and not per Pull Zone. 

Minimum Account Balance

In order to keep your service online, you are required to keep a positive account credit balance. If your account balance drops low, our system will automatically send multiple warning emails. If despite that, you still fail to recharge your account, the system will automatically suspend your account and all your pull zones. Any data in your storage zones will also be deleted after a few days without a backup. Therefore, always make sure to keep your account in good standing.

We do have more details on the billing here: but if you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. 

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