How to set up SSL for your custom domain name

Setting up SSL with

Thanks to our Let's Encrypt integration, enabling SSL for your hostnames on requires just two clicks. To get started, simply go to your Pull Zone and click on the Enable SSL button next to the domain that you wish to enable. 

After that, a popup will appear asking you if you want to use your own SSL certificate or use our free one. We recommend using the free certificate that we provide since it will automatically renew and takes just one more click to complete, but if you have a special requirement, you can also use your own.

Option 1: Use a FREE certificate provided by

Before you can request the free SSL certificate, please make sure your hostname is already pointing to your hostname using a CNAME record. If you haven't done this step yet, you can check out How to set up a custom CDN hostname guide.

After that's set up, click on Continue, wait a few seconds and your hostname will be configured with a free auto-renewing SSL certificate.

Option 2: Use your own SSL certificate

1. Generate a private key and certificate request
To order a certificate, you will first need to generate a private key and a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file. If you are running on a Linux operating system, you can do this by simply running the following command in your terminal:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout yourdomain_com.key -out yourdomain_com.csr

You will then be asked to enter the details about your domain name. When asked for the common name of the certificate, make sure to enter the name of the domain name for which you are requesting the certificate.

This gives you two files:
yourdomaincom.key (You will need this later)

2. Purchase the certificate
After you have generated the CSR file, you can now find a company that sells SSL certificates. We recommend It's affordable, clean and easy to use.

You will now be asked to upload the CSV file generated earlier and verify your data. After this, you will receive an SSL certificate directly to your email address.

3. Combine the certificate files
Finally, it is recommended that you combine the received authority certificates with your domain certificate. To do so, simply add the content of the authority certificates to the bottom of the certificate files that you have received for your domain.

4. Upload the certificate files to
Now simply upload your combined certificate file together with the yourdomain_com.key file that you created in step 1, wait a minute for the servers to sync up and you're ready to enjoy the benefits of HTTPS.



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