Understanding Bunny Stream Content Tagging

Bunny Stream allows uploaded videos to automatically be tagged based on their video content using machine learning algorithms. This allows you to easily tag and detect unwanted content, help with video categorization or organization. This article helps understand how Content Tagging works.


How does it work?

Content Tagging uses a machine-learning algorithm to categorize videos based on their content. It bases this on the visual content of each video to categorize videos into the main category and a possible subcategory. Currently, 16 categories are available with more being added soon.


How does Content Tagging affect privacy?

Content Tagging uses a pre-trained model to categorize videos. It does not pass any information from uploaded content into the learning algorithm to ensure absolute privacy. Additionally, if content tagging is disabled, videos will not be tagged.


How do I enable content tagging?

Content tagging is enabled by default for newly created zones. It can also be easily disabled or reenabled in the Encoding section of a video library.

Videos that have already been tagged will not lose their data if content tagging is disabled.


Can I change the automatically detected tag of a video?

Content tagging is currently read-only due to being based on a pre-trained model. Re-tagging videos might be possible in the future, however.


Which categories are available?

The following categories are currently available:

Animals Birds
Animals Cats
Animals Dogs
Other People
Sports Basketball
Sports Hockey
Sports Other
Sports Racing
Sports Soccer
Sports Tennis

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